How Storylines Work In Hilma

How Storylines Work In Hilma



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min read time

Jul 15, 2024

Jul 15, 2024

Creating a captivating presentation is about more than just putting together some slides; it requires a carefully structured narrative to guide your listeners from understanding to action. A Storyline is the foundation of such a presentation – a plan that ensures your message is delivered in an engaging and impactful way. What are Storylines in Hilma, and how can they elevate your presentations? Let's dive into it!

What are Storylines?

Storylines are carefully crafted plans for your presentation, designed by Hilma to organise your ideas and guide your audience from understanding to action, step by step.

By using Storylines, it becomes easier to create presentations that capture attention and lead to the desired outcome.

Hilma offers Storylines for all needs

Hilma offers a wide range of ready-made Storylines to match different goals, whether it's to persuade, inspire, educate, or achieve any other purpose. With Storylines, Hilma makes it easy to create impactful presentations.

One of our most popular Storylines is our Elevator Pitch - a short and powerful Storyline designed to provide a quick overview of an idea, product, or service, usually in a few minutes or less.

Milestones as Building Blocks

The core of each Storyline are milestones - the building blocks of your presentation's storytelling structure.

Each milestone serves a specific purpose to advance your story and guide your audience through a coherent and convincing storyline. In Hilma, you work with one milestone at a time, ensuring that you stay clear, organised, and effective.

If you want to learn more about the Storyline structure, read our article on the categories in a Storyline.

Benefits of Using Storylines

Working with Storylines offers several advantages:

Increased Engagement: By structuring your presentation around a clear and logical progression, you keep your audience engaged and interested.

Clarity and Coherence: Storylines help you avoid information overload by dividing your content into manageable segments.

Goal-Oriented Content: Each subgoal ensures that each part of your presentation has a clear purpose that contributes to the overall message.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Hilma's various Storylines allow you to customize your presentation to different contexts and goals, ensuring that it resonates with your listeners.

Practical Tips for Using Storylines

To get the most out of Hilma's Storylines, consider the following tips:

Know your Audience: Tailor your presentation to the specific needs and knowledge level of the listeners. In Hilma, you can provide this information in the Goal Form to receive tips and content tailored to your presentation using Hilma AI. Learn more about how to do this in our Goal Form article.

Keep it Simple: Avoid overly complex structures. Focus on delivering your message clearly and concisely. The simplest way to do this is to stick to your Storyline!

Use Visual Aids: If appropriate, use visual aids to reinforce your key points and make your presentation more memorable.

Practice the Delivery: Use Hilma's Practice Mode to rehearse your presentation. Start early and do it several times to ensure a smooth delivery and to refine your storytelling flow.


Hilma Storylines are a powerful tool for mastering the art of storytelling in presentations. These expert-designed plans are developed by communication professionals using established principles and rhetorical strategies, enabling presenters to captivate their audience and deliver impactful presentations with confidence. By leveraging the structure and clarity that Storylines offer, you can transform your presentations into compelling journeys that inspire action and leave a lasting impression.

What are Storylines?

Storylines are carefully crafted plans for your presentation, designed by Hilma to organise your ideas and guide your audience from understanding to action, step by step.

By using Storylines, it becomes easier to create presentations that capture attention and lead to the desired outcome.

Hilma offers Storylines for all needs

Hilma offers a wide range of ready-made Storylines to match different goals, whether it's to persuade, inspire, educate, or achieve any other purpose. With Storylines, Hilma makes it easy to create impactful presentations.

One of our most popular Storylines is our Elevator Pitch - a short and powerful Storyline designed to provide a quick overview of an idea, product, or service, usually in a few minutes or less.

Milestones as Building Blocks

The core of each Storyline are milestones - the building blocks of your presentation's storytelling structure.

Each milestone serves a specific purpose to advance your story and guide your audience through a coherent and convincing storyline. In Hilma, you work with one milestone at a time, ensuring that you stay clear, organised, and effective.

If you want to learn more about the Storyline structure, read our article on the categories in a Storyline.

Benefits of Using Storylines

Working with Storylines offers several advantages:

Increased Engagement: By structuring your presentation around a clear and logical progression, you keep your audience engaged and interested.

Clarity and Coherence: Storylines help you avoid information overload by dividing your content into manageable segments.

Goal-Oriented Content: Each subgoal ensures that each part of your presentation has a clear purpose that contributes to the overall message.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Hilma's various Storylines allow you to customize your presentation to different contexts and goals, ensuring that it resonates with your listeners.

Practical Tips for Using Storylines

To get the most out of Hilma's Storylines, consider the following tips:

Know your Audience: Tailor your presentation to the specific needs and knowledge level of the listeners. In Hilma, you can provide this information in the Goal Form to receive tips and content tailored to your presentation using Hilma AI. Learn more about how to do this in our Goal Form article.

Keep it Simple: Avoid overly complex structures. Focus on delivering your message clearly and concisely. The simplest way to do this is to stick to your Storyline!

Use Visual Aids: If appropriate, use visual aids to reinforce your key points and make your presentation more memorable.

Practice the Delivery: Use Hilma's Practice Mode to rehearse your presentation. Start early and do it several times to ensure a smooth delivery and to refine your storytelling flow.


Hilma Storylines are a powerful tool for mastering the art of storytelling in presentations. These expert-designed plans are developed by communication professionals using established principles and rhetorical strategies, enabling presenters to captivate their audience and deliver impactful presentations with confidence. By leveraging the structure and clarity that Storylines offer, you can transform your presentations into compelling journeys that inspire action and leave a lasting impression.

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Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882

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Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882

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Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882

Get a guided tour of how Hilma can help your organization

Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882