How The Storyline Categories Work In Hilma

How The Storyline Categories Work In Hilma



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min read time

Jul 15, 2024

Jul 15, 2024

För att säkerställa en engagerande och effektiv presentation är det viktigt att använda varje del av din Storyline strategiskt. Genom att besvara frågorna "Varför?", "Vad?", "Hur?" och "När?" kan du vägleda dina lyssnare genom en sammanhängande berättelse som inte bara informerar utan också inspirerar till handling. Här undersöker vi varje kategoris roll för att skapa och leverera kraftfulla presentationer.

Storylines answer the listeners' questions

The goal of your presentation is the audience's engagement, understanding, and initiative.

Storylines in Hilma are carefully constructed to motivate, engage, educate, and activate your listeners. They are meticulously created with the insight that listeners rely on the presenter to guide them through the presentation, and they expect to leave feeling informed and satisfied.

Addressing the questions all listeners ask—Why should I listen? What am I expected to understand? How can this information be applied? When should action be taken?—not only provides clarity and structure to your presentation, but also enhances the overall effectiveness of the presentation.

That's why the categories in a Storyline are linked to these questions, creating a cohesive structure for your presentation and guiding your listeners through the narrative, giving them the ability to grasp the significance and practical implications of the presented content.

Here's an explanation of each category:

Motivate — Why?

As a presenter, you want to build trust, anticipation, and provide the audience with a clear goal that captures their interest. Why should your listeners listen to you?

The milestones in this category give you the opportunity to build trust, create anticipation, and clearly communicate the objectives of your presentation. Engage your listeners by piquing their interest and making them eager to hear more.

Define — What?

You need to make your topic clear and convey your message in the right order and in the right way. Therefore, this category focuses on achieving clarity and understanding by defining your topic and ensuring that your listeners comprehend basic concepts and knowledge. What is it that the listeners need to know?

Organise your message in a logical order, present the information clearly, and guide your listeners through the key points of your presentation. This approach helps your listeners understand the topic and follow along without difficulty.

Activate — How?

To inspire your listeners to take action, you need to give them the right tools to use your knowledge. The third category therefore focuses on empowering your listeners by giving them the tools to act. How should your listeners act on your information?

Provide them with the tools and resources they need to effectively use the information you have presented. Inspire them to act based on the knowledge you have shared, whether it's implementing new strategies, adopting best practices, or making informed decisions. With the Milestones in this category, you empower your listeners to apply what they have learned and make a tangible impact.

Realize — When?

Finally, you need to reinforce their acquired knowledge and help them find the way forward. The last category, Realize, is about reaching that moment of understanding and action. When should your listeners act on the information?

Whether it's implementing changes immediately, planning for the future, or taking gradual steps, guide your listeners to realize the full potential of your presentation. Help them consolidate the knowledge you have shared and navigate the way forward with clarity and confidence.


By understanding the significance of each category in your Storyline and addressing the questions "Why?", "What?", "How?", and "When?", you can strategically design and deliver your message to captivate, inform, empower, and inspire your listeners. Use these categories thoughtfully to create powerful presentations that resonate and drive meaningful action.

Storylines answer the listeners' questions

The goal of your presentation is the audience's engagement, understanding, and initiative.

Storylines in Hilma are carefully constructed to motivate, engage, educate, and activate your listeners. They are meticulously created with the insight that listeners rely on the presenter to guide them through the presentation, and they expect to leave feeling informed and satisfied.

Addressing the questions all listeners ask—Why should I listen? What am I expected to understand? How can this information be applied? When should action be taken?—not only provides clarity and structure to your presentation, but also enhances the overall effectiveness of the presentation.

That's why the categories in a Storyline are linked to these questions, creating a cohesive structure for your presentation and guiding your listeners through the narrative, giving them the ability to grasp the significance and practical implications of the presented content.

Here's an explanation of each category:

Motivate — Why?

As a presenter, you want to build trust, anticipation, and provide the audience with a clear goal that captures their interest. Why should your listeners listen to you?

The milestones in this category give you the opportunity to build trust, create anticipation, and clearly communicate the objectives of your presentation. Engage your listeners by piquing their interest and making them eager to hear more.

Define — What?

You need to make your topic clear and convey your message in the right order and in the right way. Therefore, this category focuses on achieving clarity and understanding by defining your topic and ensuring that your listeners comprehend basic concepts and knowledge. What is it that the listeners need to know?

Organise your message in a logical order, present the information clearly, and guide your listeners through the key points of your presentation. This approach helps your listeners understand the topic and follow along without difficulty.

Activate — How?

To inspire your listeners to take action, you need to give them the right tools to use your knowledge. The third category therefore focuses on empowering your listeners by giving them the tools to act. How should your listeners act on your information?

Provide them with the tools and resources they need to effectively use the information you have presented. Inspire them to act based on the knowledge you have shared, whether it's implementing new strategies, adopting best practices, or making informed decisions. With the Milestones in this category, you empower your listeners to apply what they have learned and make a tangible impact.

Realize — When?

Finally, you need to reinforce their acquired knowledge and help them find the way forward. The last category, Realize, is about reaching that moment of understanding and action. When should your listeners act on the information?

Whether it's implementing changes immediately, planning for the future, or taking gradual steps, guide your listeners to realize the full potential of your presentation. Help them consolidate the knowledge you have shared and navigate the way forward with clarity and confidence.


By understanding the significance of each category in your Storyline and addressing the questions "Why?", "What?", "How?", and "When?", you can strategically design and deliver your message to captivate, inform, empower, and inspire your listeners. Use these categories thoughtfully to create powerful presentations that resonate and drive meaningful action.

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Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882

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Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882

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Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882

Get a guided tour of how Hilma can help your organization

Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882