How Practice Works In Hilma

How Practice Works In Hilma



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min read time

Jul 16, 2024

Jul 16, 2024

By practicing, we become more focused on the listeners' reactions and less on our own nervousness. Being well prepared allows us to be more present during the presentation and adjust the communication based on the listeners' response, increasing the chances of our message getting through. Hilma offers a unique Practice Mode, developed by experts and based on what people need when they practice. In this guide, you will learn how the Practice Mode supports you in your preparation.

Read more in the article about why practice is important.

Hilma's practice mode

When you have worked through all the Milestones in your presentation, it's time for you to practice your delivery. You can use Hilma's practice mode for this. Hilma's practice mode is designed by experts with the goal of making preparation more fun and effective, and it includes all the tools you need to succeed.

Hilma's practice mode is packed with innovative features designed to improve your presentation skills and ensure a confident and good delivery:

  • Presentation overview: You get an overview of your presentation, its flow and structure. This feature helps you ensure coherence and logical progression in the script and images.

  • Keywords: Hilma AI provides shorter sentences and keywords based on your speaker notes. This helps you memorise your presentation.

  • Listen to your presentation: Hilma AI can convert your speaker notes into an audio file that you can listen to. Repeated listening helps you memorise and allows you to refine the script and timing further.

Repetition and feedback

In addition to the features in the practice mode, it's also good to rehearse your presentation and practice in front of a colleague or friend.

  • Repetition: Practicing your presentation several times helps you memorise your material and refine your delivery. This repetition builds confidence and ensures a smooth, natural presentation.

  • Feedback: Present to a friend or colleague to receive constructive feedback. This exercise in a real audience environment helps you evaluate your performance and make necessary adjustments, improving your delivery and the impact of your presentation.

How much time should one spend practicing?

The time needed to practice varies depending on your familiarity with the subject and your experience in presenting. In general, you should practice enough to feel comfortable with both the material and your delivery technique.

A tip is to start preparing well in advance to understand how much practice is needed for the presentation.


Hilma's practice mode is designed to enhance your preparation and ensure that you can deliver a convincing presentation with confidence. By using Hilma, you gain access to tools and features that streamline your practice and make it more effective.

Take the next step towards mastering your presentations. Try Hilma today and experience the difference in your delivery and audience engagement.

Read more in the article about why practice is important.

Hilma's practice mode

When you have worked through all the Milestones in your presentation, it's time for you to practice your delivery. You can use Hilma's practice mode for this. Hilma's practice mode is designed by experts with the goal of making preparation more fun and effective, and it includes all the tools you need to succeed.

Hilma's practice mode is packed with innovative features designed to improve your presentation skills and ensure a confident and good delivery:

  • Presentation overview: You get an overview of your presentation, its flow and structure. This feature helps you ensure coherence and logical progression in the script and images.

  • Keywords: Hilma AI provides shorter sentences and keywords based on your speaker notes. This helps you memorise your presentation.

  • Listen to your presentation: Hilma AI can convert your speaker notes into an audio file that you can listen to. Repeated listening helps you memorise and allows you to refine the script and timing further.

Repetition and feedback

In addition to the features in the practice mode, it's also good to rehearse your presentation and practice in front of a colleague or friend.

  • Repetition: Practicing your presentation several times helps you memorise your material and refine your delivery. This repetition builds confidence and ensures a smooth, natural presentation.

  • Feedback: Present to a friend or colleague to receive constructive feedback. This exercise in a real audience environment helps you evaluate your performance and make necessary adjustments, improving your delivery and the impact of your presentation.

How much time should one spend practicing?

The time needed to practice varies depending on your familiarity with the subject and your experience in presenting. In general, you should practice enough to feel comfortable with both the material and your delivery technique.

A tip is to start preparing well in advance to understand how much practice is needed for the presentation.


Hilma's practice mode is designed to enhance your preparation and ensure that you can deliver a convincing presentation with confidence. By using Hilma, you gain access to tools and features that streamline your practice and make it more effective.

Take the next step towards mastering your presentations. Try Hilma today and experience the difference in your delivery and audience engagement.

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Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882

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Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882

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Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882

Get a guided tour of how Hilma can help your organization

Copyright © 2018-2024 Convey Group. Headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved. Convey Group AB (publ). Sandhamnsgatan 12, 115 40 Stockholm. Organization number: 556908-8882